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At TroZonX we translate research ideas into practical solutions. 

We make simple and affordable  Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT’s) which stand up to the rigours of hot and humid tropical zone countries.We partner other charities and humanitarian aid organisations to ensure delivery of the products to some of the poorest people on earth.

Pipeline and Technology Platform


The simple Lateral Flow Test (LFT) that anyone can use ….


TroZonX17’s LFT to detect Chagas Disease (or American trypanosomiasis) is in late stage development. We have built an international consortium of stakeholders from research labs to field workers. Following selection of the best engineered biomarkers we are now optimizing for high sensitivity and specificity in detecting the disease in characterized Biobanks. Next the test will be scaled-up and manufactured for clinical trials on indigenous and migrant populations. The Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative (DNDi) are currently testing new and better treatments for Chagas disease and welcome TroZonX17’s new universal test.


Our researchers have also undertaken early bioinformatics investigations  into developing a test to detect the different forms of Leishmaniasis.



“Over a billion people are affected by NTDs but live on less than two dollars a day.” 

World Health Organisation

The benefits to partnering with us

We at TroZonX17  are committed to sharing our expertise and applying our technology platform to detecting  infectious disease anywhere in the world. Our organisation welcomes collaboration on other indications. If you have discovered a new biomarker or need a Rapid diagnostic Test to facilitate access to new treatments, please get in touch. In developing the test for sleeping sickness CEO Barrie Rooney worked with a network of international researchers and NGOs who share the objective of increasing access to treatment. 


“It is important to treat disease at the source of infection to prevent further spread and  to enable  people to return to a productive life.’’


How you can help

Each test costs £500,000 to develop. Any donation, no matter how small, will help us to bring our simple and easy to use diagnostic test in reach of the millions who are at risk of infection.


Register Your Interest

If you would like to know more about our work and partnership opportunities, please get in touch using the form below.


Original Photography by Sebastian Bolesch.


© 2019 TROZONX17. TROZONX17 is a registered charity in England and Wales with registered charity number 1181611 and a limited  company registered in England and Wales with company number 10821171.

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